Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Statement
British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) sets rules on how private sector organizations collect, use and disclose personal information. Personal information is defined as any information that can be used to identify someone either by itself or in combination with other information.
Bonaventure Support Services (we/us/our) is committed to being accountable for complying with PIPA and protecting the personal information we collect from individuals under appropriate and reasonable business purposes.
We communicate our business purpose for personal information collection, and how the information will be used and disclosed, at or before the point of collection. Understanding what we do with your information ensures that you can provide us with meaningful consent through express, implied or “opt-in” consent.
Under contracts with British Columbia’s Ministry of Children and Families (MCFD) and with Community Living BC (CLBC), we receive referrals from them for individuals to participate in our Community Housing (CH) and Community Inclusion (CI) programs. Contract requirements include:
- The collection of personal and sensitive information from the individuals to ensure we provide optimal care and support; and,
- adherence to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), which sets out the access and privacy rights of individuals as they relate to the public sector.
For our own business purposes, we collect:
- Job applicant information to hire employees.
- Employee information to onboard and facilitate employment.
- Personal and sensitive information from individuals participating in our CI program, who were not referred from MCFD or CLBC.
- Contact information for responding to emails and phone calls.
We collect the minimum amount of personal information required for business purposes. Examples of the types of information we collect include:
- Job Applicants: Contact information; résumé; and, references.
- Employees: Contact information; résumé; references; proof of education; certifications; criminal records check; drivers licence and driving record; payment; benefits; health-related information and insurance (if applicable).
- Youth Worker Employees: Prior contact check form; Consent for disclosure for criminal record information; Consent to collect Alberta IP; and, OOJ Exception and/or OOJ Declaration [if applicable]. MCFD requires us to collect and submit these forms to them for approval of these employees.
- Emails sent to us: Name and email address.
- Phone messages: Name and telephone and/or mobile number.
- Individuals participating in CH and CI: Name; contact information; date of birth; photo; family support information; health-related information; personal interests; and, concerns.
- Parents or guardians of minors: Contact and emergency contact information
In situations where we need additional personal information, we will ask you for the minimum amount of information needed, secure it within our systems and disclose it only with your consent.
Limited use and disclosure
We only collect personal information for identified purposes of collection and do not rent, sell or trade any personal information collected from you with any third parties without your consent.
Under contract with MCFD and CLBC, we are required to disclose information to them and may be required by law or authorized by PIPA or FIPPA in certain situations to disclose information you provided.
Protection and storage of personal information
We use a combination of administrative, physical and technical safeguards to reduce the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration of your personal information. All personal information is processed and stored in Canada.
Personal information is retained based on set time periods for legal and business purposes. This usually exceeds the PIPA requirement to retain personal information used to make a decision about individuals for at least one year, after which it is no longer necessary to fulfill the collected purpose.
We retain personal information until after the appropriate time periods pass, and then we destroy the information in a secure fashion.
Your privacy rights and how we support them
By submitting a written request to our Privacy Officer, you can:
- withdraw consent with reasonable notice;
- access your personal information that we hold;
- update your personal information for accuracy and completeness; and,
- ask us to process your personal information using an alternative method.
Please note that we require proof of identity to fulfill privacy rights requests and that consent cannot be withdrawn retroactively.
Third-party service providers
For the fulfillment of some business purposes, we use third-party service providers. If personal information is disclosed to these third parties, we ensure that appropriate security undertakings, such as confidentiality clauses in contractual agreements, are employed to protect the transfer and use of personal information.
How you can contact us about privacy
If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Statement, wish to make a privacy rights request or would like to make a privacy complaint, you can:
Call: 250-585-1437
Write to:
Bonaventure Support Services
Attention Privacy Officer
Unit 9 – 6421 Applecross Road,Nanaimo BC,
V9V 1K8
Send us a message:
Not satisfied with our response and wish to challenge our compliance?
Under PIPA, we are obligated to respond within thirty (30) days of receiving your privacy request, question, concern or complaint.
If you have not heard from us during this timeframe or you are unsatisfied with our response within thirty (30) days of receiving it, you may contact the Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia (OIPC) to make a complaint.
You can submit a written complaint to the Commissioner’s office:
Mail: Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia
PO Box 9038 Stn. Prov. Govt.
Victoria, BC V8W 9A4
If you are unable to submit a written complaint, the Commissioner’s office can be reached:
Telephone: (250) 387-5629
Callers outside Victoria can call toll-free by calling Enquiry BC and requesting a transfer to (250) 387-5629
Enquiry BC: Vancouver (604) 660-2421, elsewhere in BC: (800) 663-7867